Gift vouchers

  1. A gift voucher is valid once payment is completed and an email receipt has been sent to you.
  2. A gift voucher is valid for 4 months unless advertised differently at the point of sale. The first day of the 4 months is the day the gift voucher was purchased. After 4 months has passed, the gift voucher will expire and no experience can be redeemed. Please contact us if you would like to find out the validity of the gift voucher at .
  3. We do not offer refunds for gift vouchers and they hold no cash value.
  4. To redeem the gift voucher, email us at with the gift voucher code and the email address of the person who bought it. You will then receive a voucher code to use with our online booking system. The full instructions are on the gift voucher page of the Website.
  5. If you decide that you want to bring a larger team than bought with the gift voucher, select the desired team size on our online booking system, enter your voucher code and it will calculate the difference to pay at checkout. There is no refund if you decide to bring a smaller team size.
  6. Once the experience is booked, you and all players in your team agree to be bound by the above Terms and Conditions.
  7. There is no refund if the booking is cancelled.
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